메콩 MEKONG (캄보디아, 태국, 라오스) 친구를 알고있다면? 바로 추천해주고 갤럭시워치4 받아가세요~!

한-메콩 유스그룹 워크숍

- 일시 : 8월 17~19일 (수~금)

- 신청마감 : 7월17일 (일) 23시59분

- 장소 : 서울스위스그랜드호텔 (숙박)

- 대상 : 한국, 캄보디나, 라오스, 미얀마, 베트남, 태국 국적 대학생 및 대학원생 (졸업생 가능)

- 인원 : 각 국가별 3명 씩

해당 행사에 위 국적 학생 또는 졸업한지 얼마 안된 친구들 소환해주세요!

-신청방법 : Evan Kang 에게 문의!


KAKAO ID : lonelymarine

DM to Instagram : evan_kang_official

If you know anyone who are from these countries, please let them know so that they get Galaxy Watch4!


8.17(Wed) - 19(Fri)

Seoul Swiss Grand Hotel

Event Outline

- Date : 2022.08.17 (Wed) ~ 08.19 (Fri)

- Location : Seoul Swiss Grand Hotel

- Participants : 12 (under)graduate students of Korean or Mekong(Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam) nationality

- Program Language : English

- Program

1. Early August : Pre-orientation before the event (online) * Group contacts will be open for the discussion of the ROK-Mekong cooperation project proposal (3 groups of 4 people)

2. August 17th (Wed) : Opening ceremony, Orientation, Field trip

3. August 18th (Thu) : Expert lecture, Field trip

4. August 19th (Fri) : Group discussion and presentation (ROK-Mekong cooperation project proposal), Dialogue with Diplomats from Mekong countries in Korea, Closing ceremony

Participant Benefits

- Roundrtip airline ticket (for foreign residents), accommodation provided (two nights, maximum of three nights according to area of residence and flight schedule), meals, transportation expenses (train, express bus fare)

- Certificate of completion under the name of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

- Award for outstanding presentation (1st place group: Galaxy Watch 4)

How to Apply - Ask Evan Kang and fill out the entry form

Contact Special Agent : Evan Kang gentlesturdy@gmail.com KAKAO ID : lonelymarine DM to Instagram : evan_kang_official

#메콩 #유스그룹 #리더십 #워크숍 #MEKONG #베트남 #라오스 #태국 #타일랜드 #한국 #미얀마 #대학생 #대외활동 #국제교류